with PartnerInc


Our Signature Programs

Lego® Serious Play®

A structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments.

Integrated Leadership Program (I-LEAP)

Comprehensive leadership development program designed to cultivate effective leaders at all levels within an organization.

School of Learning Designer (SoLD)

Enabling participants to effectively design learning programs by identify learning needs, develop learning experiences, and create engaging learning materials.

PartnerInc eXperiential Learning (PIXL)

Engaging and collaborative activities can be a great way to build stronger teams. With PIXL, we will help you create team building activities that align with your specific goals and help your team grow.

PartnerInc Life

PartnerIncLife is a program designed to assist clients in maintaining mental health, well-being and self-development.

Merbabu (Mengasah Rasa dengan Membaca Buku)

Merbabu is a space to discussing and sharing inspiration gained from a book. It is PartnerInc's form of spreading the spirit of literacy culture to the general public.

Has your Organization been PIONEERed?

PIONEER (PartnerInc Integrated Organization Development Framework) is a concept designed by PartnerInc and developed into a measurement tool to check up your organization condition from the perspectives of organizational development and human resource management.

See The Highlight!

Our Services

Learning Partner

Collaborate with you as a partner to provide learning services from trainings, workshops, to seminars, tailored to your own needs.

HR Partner

Identify the optimal solution to your HR issues and support your HR team development with our consulting, advisory, and co-creation processes.

Assessment Partner

Provide tailored systematic assessment and evaluation services, from recruitments to appraisals, to fulfill your needs.

Learning Partner

People Centered

Fun & Meaningful Activity

Meet Our Experts

What They Say About PartnerInc

PartnerInc in Numbers

Our Partners